5eph1roth's Page
Wasup ppl!!!!!
Welcum 2 da site dat neva ends!!!!
Hehehe...wellz, dis site is dedicated 2 all mah peepz, ya'll no who u r n now every1 will no bout it!!! dis iz mah first homepage so forgive me if it...well...sucz..hehehe..but i'll try da best dat i can!!!

A Lil bout mah naughty self....
Letz c...hmm.....i'm 16 gonna turn da big 17 on 12/19/98...i luv video gamez (Any squaresoft product will do), mariah carey, girlz, computerz, friendz, girlz, internet, girlz, da fone, and oh did i mention da gurlz? hehehehe...nah i'm not dat crazie bout girlz...xcept fer 1 gurl...which will remain nameless fer da moment..hehehe....

mah friendz....fellow she-town ppl
hea'z a pix of me wit mah friendz at a x-mas party at CeCee'z houze.....i look pretti dumb but don't i alwayz? hehehehehe.....

well ppl, once i learn da html u'll b c-in a more hi-tech page....until den laterz!!!!
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